Monday, March 31, 2008

Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral - Kris Radish

I was in borders with my mom waiting for a dr appt and we had some extra time...and honestly...i bought this book because i loved the cover...yes...i am that superficial, shallow, whatever sometimes...but isn't it well...FABULOUS???

Anyway...I started reading and I couldnt put it it historical, NO.....Is it educational NO....It is just, well how I hope my life turns out...

Here is a breakdown of the book without ruining it for you:

Annie passes away at the youthful age of 56, leaving her high-school friend, Katherine, responsible for organizing her traveling funeral. Katherine receives a UPS package with Annie's favorite pair of red high-top sneakers, which contain her ashes, and instructions to contact four other women who played pivotal roles in her life. All of the women either have met or heard of each other through Annie, and all agree to fulfill her request that they fly across the country together and disperse her ashes at places meaningful to Annie. The women encounter beauty in unlikely places and people who either knew Annie or were somehow touched by her, causing the women to miss Annie all the more and reevaluate themselves and their missed opportunities. The funeral party turns into a true celebration of the deceased and her wonderful life. Once again, Radish celebrates women's inimitable friendships in an ode to sisterhood that will make her many fans rejoice. Patty EngelmannCopyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

How great would that be at the end of your life...and have such wonderful women friends that you got it right with...

This book made me want to live fabulously right now...and i've been looking for a pair of red sneakers ever since...

1 comment:

~Lisa~ said...

Hmmmm....and to think I'll probably just be buried in Pleasantview (or whatever the heck it's called). :)